We are meeting on Sundays

9:30 AM: Worship Service

11:00 AM: Adult Bible Fellowship


Nursery is available for infants to 3yrs old at both services.

Kidztown: 3 yrs-6th grade meets at 9:30 and 11 AM. 

Life Student Ministry meet at 11 AM. 

A Place to Belong

There is something for everyone on Sunday Mornings at BBC. Whether you are young or young at heart, or anywhere in between you will find a place to belong, grow, learn and fellowship. Welcome.

Worship Hour

9:30 AM in the Auditorium

Our Wiggle Way nurseries are open and staffed with qualified care givers. WW 1 is for Babies, WW 2 is for Toddlers. (main level)

Our Sunshine Kids (pre-school) and KidzTown (K-5th) groups meet in the lower level for large group Bible lessons, singing and play.

Discipleship Hour

11:00 AM

(All classes are in the lower level, unless otherwise noted.)

Adult Bible Fellowships

   Legacy/ Senior Adults in Room 101 (main level)

   Pastor Joel's Class in the Auditorium

   Colossians Study in Room 220

   1&2 Corinthians in Room 201

   Young Adults in Room 219

Senior High Students in Room 203

Junior High Students in Room 202

Students K-6th grade in KidzTown (Lower level)

Pre-schoolers in Sunshine Kids Room (lower level)

Wiggle Way Nurseries for birth to 3 yrs (main level)

Other Opportunities

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  • for Students

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